We have found that many of our members have been calling to ask similar questions about State Department Level 4 designations, and about our global COVID transport process. We’ve compiled the most frequently asked questions, and had them answered by Medjet’s Chief Operating Officer, John Gobbels:


Is This (That, and That) Country Covered? It’s Designated a “Level 4”...
While we know our Rules & Regulations contain language limiting the services to destinations designated a Level 4 (do not travel), and in some instances Level 3 (reconsider travel) by the U.S. Department of State. If a country you would like to travel to is a Level 4 only for COVID-19, membership benefits will still be offered. If a country is deemed a Level 4 due to extreme violence, crime or terrorism such as Haiti, or designated a war zones such as Syria, Afghanistan or Iraq, those Level 4 countries are restricted from membership benefits. Because the State Department Advisories as well as entry requirements and conditions seem to be constantly evolving, you are encouraged to check on your specific destinations by visiting the U.S. Department of State Travel Advisories website prior to your departure.  For all other questions, you are always welcome to contact our Membership Services team at 800.527.7478 Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00PM CST, Saturday 9:00-4:00 (but our transport/emergency line is open 24/7).


How Does A COVID-19 Transport Work? How long does it take?
We were the first to add transport for COVID-19 in October of 2020, at no additional cost to our members. We expanded it to global coverage in July of 2021, so COVID-positive transports are nothing “new” for Medjet. A COVID-19 transport works exactly like a regular transport ~ if you are hospitalized, we provide medical transfer to your hospital of choice at home. COVID-19 transport does require specialized isolation equipment, and it may take additional time to file all appropriate paperwork through the CDC and to secure a bed at the receiving facility. Transport of COVID-positive patients is a tightly controlled process with a lot of governmental agency and individual country criteria to process.


During my trip, if the local hospitals are full but the ER has determined I should be admitted, would that qualify for a transport?
Another big concern of our members seems to be about what would happen if they "require hospitalization, but there are no inpatient beds available where they are. Would we move them from an ER to a hospital at home?” That answer is yes! If a member is hospitalized in the Emergency Department and requires continued inpatient hospitalization, but there are no inpatient beds available at that facility, assuming all other transport criteria is met, membership benefits will be provided.


Can A (Spouse / Child / Parent) Ride in the Air Ambulance Too?
All air ambulance transports are subject to weight limits and safety protocols. COVID-19 transports may require specialized equipment and Medjet will make every effort to return a family member or traveling companion with the member. However, given the additional weight of isolation pods or other potentially necessary equipment, Medjet cannot guarantee that additional passengers will be permitted. The safety of the patient, crew and aircraft always come first.


If I just TEST POSITIVE for COVID-19, will you bring me home?
If you just test positive for COVID-19 and are not hospitalized, you are not eligible for transport under your membership benefits. Most travel insurance “trip interruption” benefits may cover the extended hotel stays for quarantine, and possibly rebooking of your return tickets. Based on call volume, a large majority of our members seem to be less concerned with travel delays, and more concerned with not getting “stuck" in a hospital out of town, or out of the country. Medjet does offer transport for simply testing positive, but this is only available outside of the membership, on a fee for service basis.

An additional note to members: It has become increasingly more difficult to clear COVID-19 patient flights with the CDC. The CDC recently activated a new COVID-19 desk, with additional paperwork filing and entry protocols for air ambulances carrying COVID-positive patients. Properly containing and moving a COVID-positive patient should be taken very seriously from beginning-to-end. Medjet agrees with the protocols put in place and works with our affiliates and the CDC to meet all entry requirements. Please be aware of any company promising they can “circumvent the CDC”. This new CDC desk and filing process was created because of companies trying to do just that.


Welcome back to travel and stay safe out there! 

We’re here if you need us,

John Gobbels

VP and COO, Medjet